Elections Fever & NO MAN’S LAND

The long-awaited date for the 2021 St. Lucia general elections has finally been set for July 26. The announcement of the date was soon followed by a political bombshell. UWP stalwart, Stephenson King, a former prime minister, a minister in the current UWP Chastanet government, and district rep for Castries North, has decided to contest the seat not as a UWP candidate but as an independent, thereby spicing up the election season, turning it into Shakespearian drama, giving political pollsters a field day and the UWP a nightmare.

As if having been stuck in the starting blocks of a 100 meters dash, waiting forever for the gun to go off, the island greeted the election announcement with a seemingly spontaneous profusion of motorcades, rallies, rum drinking blaring music, dancing, and a frenzy of red and yellow, so much so that the unsuspecting visitor would have easily confused elections with carnival.

However, according to some political pundits, this election is no joking or partying matter; it is a fight for the soul and minds of St. Lucians; it is a contest to decide the very fate of the country; some may even go as far as to say it’s a battle between good and evil.

If so, then Dr. Anderson Reynolds latest book, NO MAN’S LAND: A Political Introspection of St. Lucia, which Dr. James Fletcher has characterized as a no holds barred analysis of St. Lucia’s current political environment and a timely dissection of the anatomy of St. Lucia’s body politic, is indeed fortuitous.

Because NO MAN’S LAND dissects St. Lucian politics and society to pinpoint what is wrong with the country’s political system and how to fix it. It speaks to the hold history has on the country, and how race, partisanship, provincialism, and opportunism cloud the political process. It is a meditation on issues of patrimony, sovereignty, nationhood, corruption, and political empowerment. NO MAN’S LAND provides a window into St. Lucian politics and as such it is a must-read for anyone curious about how high the stakes of this general elections, and who is interested in making informed voting decisions.

The World of Anderson Reynolds

Please follow the links below to view Stephenson’s Kings’ interview on why he decided to break away from the UWP and contest the elections as an independent candidate. And also for more information on NO MAN’S LAND and outlets for purchasing Dr. Reynolds’ books.

If you have purchased any of Dr. Reynolds’s books at Amazon, please submit a review on Amazon and help the books go viral. Together we can change the world for the better.

Stephenson’s Kings interview
Read more about NO MAN’S LAND
Watch the Virtual International Book Launch of NO MAN’S LAND
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